Agnus Dei Lutheran Church
Marshall, Michigan
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Communing at Agnus Dei
     The Lord's Supper is gladly celebrated at this congregation in the confession and confidence that, as Christ says, He gives into our mouths not only bread and wine, but His very Body and Blood to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of sins.

    As such, communicants at the Lord’s altar are those in full fellowship with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, having made public profession of the faith by membership in a congregation of the LC-MS, and are there in good standing.

     Out of love and concern that no one receive the Sacrament to his harm (1 Cor. 11:27-32), we ask that all those not yet instructed, in doubt, or who hold a confession differing from that of Agnus Dei and the LC-MS, refrain from partaking.

     Any Christian is welcome to come forward to the Communion rail to receive the blessing. If you come to receive a blessing, but NOT the Sacrament, please fold your arms across your breast.
     Visitors who desire to partake of the Sacrament are asked to speak with our Pastor before the service.

 Fellowship with Other Churches

     The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has 34 partner churches around the world, churches with whom we enjoy full altar and pulpit fellowship. Here is a complete list: